Ever wanted to write your own TV pilot? This zoom course will show you exactly how to achieve it, over eight sessions, run fortnightly.
Week 1: Choosing Your TV Pilot
Week 2: Structuring Your TV Pilot
Week 3: Creating Worlds That Engage
Week 4: Creating Characters The Connect
Week 5: Writing Dialogue The Works
Week 6: Theme, Tone, Pace & Tension
Week 7: From Pilot To Series
Week 8: Getting Your Pilot Into The World
Session Dates
Wed 6th Sep, 7pm -Pilot Week 1
Wed 20th, 7pm - Pilot Week 2
Wed Oct 4th 7pm- Pilot week 3
Wed Oct 18th 7pm- Pilot Week 4
Wed 1st Nov 7pm -Pilot Week 5
Wed 15th Nov 7pm Pilot Week 6
Wed 29th Nov 7pm- Pilot Week 7
Wed 13th Dec 7pm -Pilot Week 8